Little thoughts

Little thoughts: need more sleep! :)

Thursday, March 31, 2011

Me Made March Day 31

It's finally here!  Oh thank goodness!  I know I shouldn't feel relieved and even feel a little ashamed for it but I'm so glad it's April tomorrow.  I really enjoyed this challenge in the support I got from the flickr group and all the commenter's on here but since I still new to sewing in comparison to a lot of people and find it hard to sew for long periods I found it frustrating towards the end.  It's just that since this challenge has caused a few UFOs and disasters it meant that I had to repeat a lot and a lot sooner than I'd hoped.  So here's my final Me Made March photo and it's a good one!

Me made lotus tunic and me made cord Burda skirt Me made star jump!

And an out take:

How blurry am I??

I did try for an artsy shot with the felt flowers I've been making falling down but they didn't show up in the photos, poo.

Oh well, I've learned a lot.  I need to sew more.  I need to not set myself deadlines as it kills my enjoyment.  I need to enjoy it more!!!!!  So, roll on the next Me Made Month!  I must need to check into a well upholstered room with a very tight white jacket...


  1. Yahoo! We made it! What are you wearing tommorrow? What's that? It doesn't matter? Nice!

  2. Haha! You know what, I know exactly what I'm wearing tomorrow, a blue dress with white polka dots that I think is handmade but sadly not by me!

  3. Yay! You did it!!! I am super proud. I do love that lotus top on you. Excellent job!!!!

  4. Congratulations fellow MMMer! You did it!! And you've done a splendid job too.

  5. Congrats on completign March with your Me Mades. I am relieved it is over just to have a break from the daily photos. Thank you for the blog award - I will respond to it soon I promise.

  6. i'll miss seeing your daily me-mades - well done for getting through the month....i think i could just about manage a me-made weekend and thats it!!!!! love the star jump at the end...whats your next project????? XXX

  7. Thank you all! It's been a bit of a slog at the end but I'm really glad I did it and looking forward to Me Made May! ;) hehe!

    Next project is a dress for the Sew Weekly Sewing Circle UK meet up in May, see today's post for details!

    Caroline, you'll have to join the fun next time!


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