Here's some photos of the stall today, didn't do too badly, was rather a big fair stall number wise but not the footfall I was hoping for at my stall. Had lots of lovely comments about my wares and props though, so going in the right direction. Did feel a bit upstaged by some of the other stalls that have been going for years. There was even a 12 year old boy with a stall of his own selling slate place mats and coasters and a four year old with Barbies...ok, that one was just stuff her mum made but let her little girl take ownership of...but still...four years old!!!
Picture of stall showing piles of triangular bunting in the forefront of the picture with the feather hair clips to the left and tailor's ham and seam roll on the right |
My tree showing off the felt leaf decorations and the lavender stuffed hearts and birds and my pretty battery operated fairy lights too |
The metal frame clasp purses complete with self covered buttons made in the summer, zip purses beyond on the right and just seen clutch bags on the left of the picture |
Cake stand with pincushions on the top layer and an assortment of felt flower brooches and hair clips on the lower layer |
Forefront and left some costume jewellery brooches and at the back and right my cross stitch buttons |
The back of one of my felt flamingo decorations |
Yellow stuffed lavender bird and blue stuffed lavender heart with a grey and cream felt leaf with a wooden flower shaped button above and below these two decorations. |
More views of the cake stand with pin cushions and felt flowers |
Front view of the sequinned flamingo decorations |
Stuffed felt moose decoration with gingham collar complete with silver bell |
It was good to see how other people set up their stalls, it was also interesting to see how some people thought they could just turn up and then leave without helping at all with the tables etc. I just think if you're participating in a fair you need to help set up and clear up or one or the other if you've got other arrangements to attend to. A lot of the other stall holders didn't seem to think this applied to them, which I think is quite sad.
On a brighter note, I think a lot of money was raised for Cystic Fibrosis, the charity for the event, as the money for the stalls was for it and there was a raffle too, in which I won a very pretty ceramic bunting that is now adorning my dresser and looks very happy there too!
I may have partaken of some gorgeously sparkly cup cakes too from the lovely Charlotte and I bought a mirror brooch in the shape of a flying goose as just couldn't resist either...I'm weak willed when it comes to sparkly and shiny things as you all well know!
Things I've learnt from this fair are:
- get more stitch in labels as I've run out and didn't have enough to put in the metal clasp purses I'd made, which is a big boo boo.
- get some cards done to show off my blog and etsy shop as don't have any yet, again a big boo boo.
- make a banner with my shop name on to really promote myself, as although I wore my name badge I made for the Birmingham meet up I think I really need to do some serious branding.
- I'm considering setting up a facebook page for the shop, I'm wary as had problems with my personal facebook so this may not happen.
- Finish making the prop or buy a head and shoulders form for my crochet necklace scarves as people just don't seem to understand what they are and it's not always practical for me to be wearing one all the time - I get too hot!
I'd love to do the fair again as it's a nice atmosphere, the organiser deserves a medal for doing all she did especially with two young children with cystic fibrosis to look after, one of whom was only let out of hospital today between medications, so a big big THANK YOU to Aquila for sorting it all out!
Lovely stall and great ideas. You've set it out really well!
ReplyDeleteThank you! Just need to do some TLC on my etsy shop now. How's your Folksy shop coming along?
ReplyDeleteSounds like a good day! I think all your ideas sound good too... it's definitely good to be aware of what the other stall holders do and adapt the best ideas! I like the sound of your sparkly brooch and cup cakes! yum yum! ... and thanks for describing the pictures for me :)
ReplyDeleteThanks Giles! Yeah, think I've learnt lots and just need to put it into practice now.
ReplyDeleteMimi. Loved the stall..x
ReplyDeleteThanks Rachel! Means a lot to know it looks good!
ReplyDeleteI'm glad I couldn't come to the fair after all - looking at the photos I would have had to buy everything and that would have been no good for my bankbalance! Gorgeous! xx
ReplyDeleteAww! Thank you! Will be putting everything on the etsy shop now as no more fairs for quite a while so am thinking of trying to refresh the stock, so if anything tickles your fancy you can see it there or email me and let me know what you want! x
ReplyDeleteMimi the pictures are brilliant at showing all the loveliness. It looks so pretty and colourful ( important to attract visitors) I love the tree - some good height to make your display 3d. But your wares are the most impressive - such a lot of work- well done for showcasing it so well.
ReplyDeleteThank you so much! The wonders of an iPhone to take pictures on and do fancy things with goes a long way I think! Means a lot to me to have all of your support. Thank you.
ReplyDeleteThe stock photos look fab Mimi. You have made so much! I am very impressed. I love how you are workign out step by step what you need to do and how to progress in selling. I will keep my eye out for a head and shoulder display thing at any car boots I go to! I have seen simple 2d silhouettes of head and shoulders used to display necklaces in shops - maybe something like that would work temporarily? x
ReplyDeleteI had started making a head and shoulders from some balloons and papier mache but I didn't get the glue mix right and ran out of time so gave up! Thanks for keeping your eye out though. Might have another go with the papier mache when I've got some time off and not sorting out Christmas stuff. But now I'm thinking maybe something in cardboard...hmmmm...thinking cap on! xx
ReplyDeleteSo many pretty things! Sounds like a success for both you and the charity!
ReplyDeleteThanks Alessa! I really enjoyed it and was so good that the charity took over £200.