Little thoughts

Little thoughts: need more sleep! :)

Friday, March 18, 2011

Me Made March Day 18

Now it may be that it's a full moon tonight, but more probably it's because it's Red Nose Day and it was 'do something funny for money' time, although I'm not getting paid...but I did donate to RND, that I did this interesting pose:

Me made purple cord skirt with shop bought top, tights and boots and me made necklace, pose was me made by the way...
We had some fun in work as we all wore something red and there were games and prizes, I won a toblerone!  Yay! 

Hope you like the pose, was getting a little self concious smiling nicely in all the time and so as I was feeling like 'Thank Crunchy it's Friday'!

And just for an extra bit of fun, if you flash quickly back and forth between these two pictures you can almost see me moving! ;)

Arms and legs halfway raised

Arms and legs raised and waving wildly like a crazy thing!
Ah well, it gave you all a giggle even if it wasn't a new outfit!  Hope you've all had a good day, here's to the weekend! ;)

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