Little thoughts

Little thoughts: need more sleep! :)

Monday, March 28, 2011

Sewing Update

Ok, so you know I promised a new top to wear tomorrow?  Ain't gonna happen.  Seam ripper needs to be deployed and it's bedtime and it's never going to happen tonight.  The bottom band I've put on that I even made smaller is far far too tight, so I'm kicking myself.

I hate it when this happens, hopefully it won't turn into a UFO.  The theme this week on the sew weekly is UFOs and the challenge is to finish one of these that we all have lurking.  Trouble is including this one I have four UFOs.  Urgh.

Ok then, back to the drawing board...


  1. Only 4? I shudder to even begin to count the UFOs that are hanging around. Probably 20?

  2. I did a recount and there are six garments that are UFOs, I didn't count anything else in that count mind!!

    Update on the top is that I don't have enough fabric to fix it so need to buy another metre of it so will just make it into the dress and stop faffing.


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