Little thoughts

Little thoughts: need more sleep! :)

Monday, June 6, 2011

MMJ Day 6

Currently I'm drinking tea and nibbling on a little brioche roll but I have been a bit productive today, which will come in another post as don't want to overload you all in one go.  Well you know what they say about too much of a good thing! hehe! ;)

So my work wear today was a me made grey jumbo cord skirt with pockets made from a Burda magazine pattern.  I'm sensing an addiction here as this is my umpteenth Burda pattern me made item and it's only day 6...

me made skirt, shop bought t-shirt

making good use of the pockets

Made this during Me Made March and have to say it's been worn a lot, it's lined and makes good work wear as it's comfy and I love love love cord and because it's grey it goes with everything.  And have I mentioned it has pockets???  Even the pleat at the front has decided to behave itself after initially being naughty and not sitting right.  I made it longer than the pattern dictated as the first version I made of this was in cotton and felt far too short for decency and had to have a modesty panel inserted at the bottom to make it wearable for me.

I'm laughing because Fizz the cat is trying to get in on the action again and is crying furiously at me.  She makes an appearance in my next post I promise!

Hope you've all survived Monday!


  1. hehehe thats the skirt I want, done just the same please (after June) ;-)

  2. hehe! I know! We'll be all matchy matchy! ;)


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